Download Course

Here you can download, in English, all the elements of the course, Your Church Can Change the World (Your Church).  The first three elements follow the exact same outline, which facilitates and enriches your teaching in missions events.  They are:

  • the teacher’s book,
  • the student manual, and
  • the Power Point presentations.

We also include these additional resources which help you with the logistics of Your Church events and in your missions mobilization ministry:

  • the Your Church promotional tryptic,
  • the 100 Christians Said tryptic, and
  • the Your Church diploma.

For teaching the vision for world missions to young people and children we have also included an exciting and fun material called:

  • The Great Commission.

The teacher’s book – In English speaking countries you might find it easier to download some of the chapters in the Pdf format since there may be no need to make modifications. If you need to translate Your Church into another language or adapt it to your country or your denomination, it will be necesary to download the files in the WORD format which are found after the Pdf files.  Each chapter of the teacher’s book is in a separate file. All pages are formatted in letter size, but be sure to set the correct paper size when printing.  Here is the teacher’s book in Pdf :

The WORD files of the teacher’s book will help you translate and adapt it easily to suit your needs.  Firstly, any reference to Mexico or Latin America is highlighted in yellow. Secondly, wherever there is text on an image, just click on the text in the image and a text box or a WORD ART will appear.  You can do your translating right in the text box. Again, be sure to set the proper paper size when printing.  Here is the teacher’s book in WORD:


The student manual – The student manual follows the teacher’s book point by point.  Use the Pdf file if you do not need to make any modifications to the student manual.  Please download the WORD file to make modifications.


The Powerpoint presentations – These presentations directly follow the outline of the teacher’s book and the student manual.  They will enrich and facilitate your missions events.  To translate text that appears on an image, just click on the text and a text box or WORD ART will appear so you can make the changes easily.



Promotional Tryptic – This promotional flyer is for promoting the Your Church material or missions events which use the material.  It is presented in Pdf or in WORD to facilitate the changes you would need to make.  Please add the logo of your church or organization, but we do ask that the COMIMEX logo also be visible.


100 Christians Said Tryptic – This is a great tool for raising money for missions.  It is based on the popular television quiz show The Family Feud.  It is presented here in Pdf or in WORD so you can add the logo of your church or organization.


Here is a nice diploma that you can modify, fill in, and give to the participants:


The manual for youth, The Great Commission – For young people we present here a series of fun and impacting studies about missions based on the Your Church curriculum.  It has a very interactive format with questions and answers, crossword puzzles, word finds, word scrambles, contests, and guided discussions.  The youth manual does not follow the outline of the above materials.  You should study the Your Church teacher’s book before attempting to teach the Great Commission.  It will require special creativity to adapt the word puzzles to another language, but even that will be fun to do!

The cover page is in a separate file.  Here is The Great Commission in Pdf :

Here is The Great Commission in WORD:

You can download the course today and start mobilizing this weekend!